Sunday, 12 August 2012

A Lil Bit Of Progress!

At the beginning of this summer I basically had the inability to draw anything from my head proper but decided to work on it, hence the figure sketches I posted in an earlier blog! I have no pictures to upload as I am quite comfy where I'm sitting at the moment and plugging my phone into my PC to upload pics would involve moving. After a unanimous 'no' vote from every part of my body it was decided I would stay put while I write this post!

I can currently draw almost any body pose I can think of of both the male and female forms and have made alot of progress on hands after combining several other peoples methods into a way which works best for me! I am quite pleased with myself and hope to get the last piece of the puzzle down this week: faces!

Once I get faces down I should in theory be able to draw most rough figures and expressions I can imagine and from there it should be a case of refining details. While this might not seem a huge deal for most people, and I might not be very good compared to most I have progress alot from where I was at the start of the holidays so I am quite happy with my progress currently!

I have alot more I want to write about other plans and stuff in relation to digital art but I have the attention span of a goldfish lately so I am going to do something else. (I've literally been bouncing between different things constantly and have trouble concentrating, I blame holidays going on too long!) I may post a second post tonight with pictures and other things but I shall leave this post as it is for now! ^_^ (wow i said 'post' alot in that last sentence!!)