Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Unfinished Drawing and Giant Cookies!

I was working on a drawing so I'd have something to upload onto this that was mine! I was going to wait till it was finished to upload it but I've got asked to do stuff today which will take up any drawing time I do so i probably wont get it done for a few weeks so I shall upload what I have done so far! ^_^

Clicking on it should make it bigger! Might try to get a better quality upload tomorrow! 
Thats my progress so far! Not sure what else will be put in it as I'm making it up as I go along but it is quite fun ^_^

Theres a flying city (probably put into my head from Final Fantasy!) in the top left, and a grounded city with hellfire(or something more lethal then rain) raining down on it.

I'm not 100% happy with the quality of the picture so I will probably try again in the daylight. This yellow light in my room was not made for taking pictures in!

In a few weeks I hope to have lots of concept sketches, and a rather large painting (will be about 8 feet wide)! I shall also have lots of little random stories from my painting ventures in the hall also! Not much happens in the house so its hard to think of things to post sometimes =D

Also I have become aware that there has not been a cookie offer in any of my recent posts! So just this once a GIANT COOKIE will be given to one person! So the 1 millionth person to read this post will get said cookie... unless I get hungry in the meantime.... or bored.... or both! ^_^


Link to the full sized version of the image :) (still horrid quality!)

Monday, 28 May 2012

An Unexpected Guest!

Time for a quick update ^_^

Alot harder keeping this up to date then I had thought, even when I'm on and off a pc all day and on one for most of the night! I have however been trying to keep myself mostly occupied =D

I cut the grass the other day! Usually a boring tedious task with little to no news or adventures however while I was cutting said grass a visitor arrived! Sure he was a bit smelly and walked around like he owned the place but he was an awesome visitor none-the less!

Before we get into the details of the visitor I would like to mention that at this point I stopped writting to try kill what i thought was a bug on my screen. It turned out it was merely the down arrow on the post editor. If any official blogger person happens to pass by I'd like to request this arrow be made less bug-like to save others from the same humiliating faith as I.

Anyway as I was saying, we had a totally awesome smelly visitor the other day! Introducing....

Percy the Pug!!

Percy the Pug! Or he looks like a Percy anyway, or maybe a Patrick I'm not quite sure. That said I do believe he was actually a she but thats irrelevant, she's a Percy now!

Not the most interesting thing ever but I've never actually seen a pug before (not including television!) so I found it quite cool! Totally made my day anyway ^_^

Monday, 21 May 2012

The Adventures of a Mechanical Pencil

I have recently learned that mechanical pencil's dislike going for adventures! This applies particularly to adventures through washing machines! Personally I have never been on such an adventure so can't imagine what my pencil must have went through but when it made its return it just wasn't itself anymore! It wouldn't eat, it wouldn't sleep (not that it ever did any of them in the first place!) and most importantly, it just wouldn't work!

This is a washing machine. This image should give you a better idea of the types of terrain my pencil was dealing with on it's adventure.

In my attempts to bring it back to life I decided to operate. Opening it up and replacing what was left of its old lead, damaged from its adventure, with some shiny new ones! Or as shiny as it gets when it comes to leads at least....

Unfortunately, despite what I had thought was a rather successful operation, it still wasn't working properly. So I decided to go to my last resort.... mindlessly shaking it until it does! Now this was all well and good however I had forgot one tiny detail, I had a full box of leads in my hand too... and the box was open..... and I was beside an open window.... and the window was upstairs. Needless to say I'm the proud owner of an empty box of leads now, but on the plus side I got my pencil working again!

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Blogging Attempt 2.0

I'd like to fix a nice blog template. Or Perhaps even get my head round the html code here and make my own! Was browsing through template sites last night but fell asleep before I could find one I liked. Need to stop falling asleep in while on the pc, thats the second night in a row now! Already broke the microphone on my headset because of it xD That said it was a surprisingly awesome sleep!

I've also become quite aware of what a kip my room is at the moment. I am surrounded by circuit boards and the plastic shells of old computer monitors from a recent art project. I also had to clear out my college space so have a years worth of art materials lying about too. The mess even extends to the hall outside the door and it will be interesting to see how long I can get away with leaving stuff out there for! Best part about all this is theres more stuff to come home on Monday, including a small swimming pool and 12 concrete blocks!!

Tonight I shall be heading down to the hall to see if theres anything I can do for the musical yet. There should be some backstage stuff to do so that should give me something to do for a few hours 2 or 3 times a week. This should also keep the summer moving somewhat till then end of June which is also a good thing!

I like helping with the musical. This is the third year they have had a summer musical in Rathnure and I have been involved in all of them in some way. I help out with backstage in the musical and am usually asked to make stuff for the launch nights. Hopefully I'll get asked to do something again this year, and hopefully I get more than two days notice aswel!!

Stuff I made for the launch night of  Torn Dreams two years ago! Actually can't believe it was that long ago, I hadn't even begun my course in Wexford at that stage!
I'm also rather fond of Pantomime, and its the reason I went to college so close to home. That and I don't think I was quite ready to live elsewhere. I wouldn't mind moving into Wexford next year though however to do so I'd have to sacrifice being involved in Panto for a year.

It is somewhat trivial next year though, as I believe the third year exhibition is traditionally in the first half of the academic year which would also clash with Panto. After my experiences with my project this year I'm not quite sure it would be possible to be involved in Pantomime and successfully pull of an exhibition piece at the same time. The Panto is beginning to have alot of unpracticalities the more I think about it however I do enjoy being involved an awful lot too.

Ranting aside I should probably go get ready to go down to the hall for the musical! Hopefully there isn't too many little shits involved in it this year =D

Once again cookies shall be given for anyone reads through all that! Although I didn't get as carried away as last time to be fair ^_^

Friday, 18 May 2012

A Brief Introduction... Of Sorts

So how to start really? Guess I could start by introducing myself, though it feels like I am talking to me and not  to you, whoever you may be. Theres a very high chance that you may be me, which is entirely dependent on whether its you or me who's reading this currently. Of course you'll know whether its me or not because your not me, unless I'm the one reading it in which case you are.

Well there's a bit of a random tangent, I go on a lot of those. But in case you got lost (you being you and not me, unless you're me that is), what I'm trying to say is that it feels like I'm talking to myself, while talking like I'm talking to another person which feels quite odd really. Something nice about reading over your own thoughts though I must say and I haven't even decided how I'm going to start this yet!

Perhaps I'll decide how to start it in this paragraph but we'll see what happens! Logically the decision should have been made in the first paragraph but thats far too predictable really. In fact with that train of thought in mind deciding how to start it in the first post is all the more predictable so maybe I won't start it here at all! Though I would like to start something as I'm quite bored currently and starting would make it easier to keep typing. Though one might question the need for a start three paragraphs in, none of which make much sense.

If anyone has managed to read this far then you have less to do then i do and this paragraph should mark a very sad moment in your life. Well that sentence sounded quite emo typed out, but I swear it wasn't like that in my head! =D This is surprisingly fun actually, if only typing essays were this relaxing!

Anyway, where was I?
*skims through what has just been written*
Seems like I wasn't anywhere at all really, guess its a good time to get back to that introduction i mentioned somewhere, though if you want to know me at all at this stage I'm somewhat surprised ^_^
So hi, I'm Thomas! My friends call me various variations of that though, but mostly Tom! I could nearly start introducing myself as Tom really but its quite a hard habit to break!... Wow I cant even say what my name is without going on a tangent of sorts, this is gonna be a looooooong night...

As I was saying, I'm Tom (i did it!) and I'm 21 years old and live in Ireland! Though I occasionally take up residence in cyberspace dependent on what Ireland has to offer. I can see me residing in cyberspace an awful lot soon though as college is soon done for the summer. I would have welcomed this last year but it seems I've gotten quite attached to everyone this year and I'm even quite enthusiastic about my work of late! Despite what is starting to feel like constant attempts by lecturer's to put me off but that's an entirely different rant altogether! Besides that its not restricted to me so i shouldn't really take it personal anyway, or at least not all of it =D

Lets see seems I'm after going on another tangent, what have we got so far. Tom, 21, Ireland, goes to college, emmm....... aha! I never mentioned what I study! I'm currently in my second year of an Art degree :) Or rather I'm at the end of my second year, which I think I mentioned already but I'm not overly sure! My trains of thought can be quite hard to follow sometimes, or maybe its trails of though? I'm actually not sure now that I see it in writing! Anyway back to the topic of this particular paragraph! Though its after getting so long now perhaps I should stick it in a new one.... Yes thats a good idea Thomas lets do that! Though a better idea would be to stop ranting and going off topic, not that there ever were set topics to begin with!

As far as I can reliably tell I have one day left of college then I'm 100% done for the summer. Have an exhibition piece to take apart on Monday! Which reminds me I need to sort a hose to siphon the water out of my pool otherwise I'll be stuck emptying it with buckets!! But yeah, once thats taken apart and I've cleared out the last of my stuff I shall be done with my second year of my course, and onto what will be my final year of college for the foreseeable future. On the bright side of things there is some dinner and a night out to look forward to on Thursday which should be quite a bit of fun :)

Was only out the other evening actually for Ms Fishbowl's 21st. That was less than a week ago actually  although it feels like it was ages away now. I think thats in part due to the amount of alcohol ingested whilst suffering from a severe lack of sleep, and in part due to how dragged out today has felt! I'm actually surprised I can remember the night considering what alcohol was consumed including two shots! I can even remember what was an abnormally long walk home. I didn't even know it was possible to walk for that long while staying in Wexford without going around in a full circle! Though I'm sure the zig zags we were walking in failed to help! ^_^

Well this introduction has turned into an essay, but in my defense I haven't talked much all day =D Somewhat fun typing out random thought patterns and I daresay I could get addicted to this thing! Though the last thing I need now is more reasons to dwell in cyberspace(been on my pc for over 12 hours now!), though this has the potential to become somewhat creative.

I'd really like to write little stories or do out comic strips, or perhaps even animated videos of sorts. Some of the cinematics in a video game I've started playing are done really well and I could see myself getting ideas from the effects they use. I'd put a link to one of the videos here  but I'm new here so perhaps that is for another post!

I actually have a quite developed world with back story and whatnot in my head that I've been daydreaming about for as long as I can remember now. Some of the characters in it even have multiple origins as I've changed it so much over the years xD Might be fun to do stuff based on that though I think I'd do it in a separate blog and keep this one for my own personal rantings. I'm not sure anything else would fit in after this mess of thoughts and tangents!

I should probably make an attempt to finish up now as it's getting quite late and I don't wanna make a further mess of my sleeping pattern before I have to get up on Monday! One tired Monday a term is enough for me thanks very much ^_^ I should probably also add a TLDR at the end of this too come to think of it before I go try snooze!

But yeah time to finish up! If anyone actually manages to read this through I'll get you a cookie!

Hi I'm Tom. I'm prone to ranting! =D ^_^