Sunday, 20 May 2012

Blogging Attempt 2.0

I'd like to fix a nice blog template. Or Perhaps even get my head round the html code here and make my own! Was browsing through template sites last night but fell asleep before I could find one I liked. Need to stop falling asleep in while on the pc, thats the second night in a row now! Already broke the microphone on my headset because of it xD That said it was a surprisingly awesome sleep!

I've also become quite aware of what a kip my room is at the moment. I am surrounded by circuit boards and the plastic shells of old computer monitors from a recent art project. I also had to clear out my college space so have a years worth of art materials lying about too. The mess even extends to the hall outside the door and it will be interesting to see how long I can get away with leaving stuff out there for! Best part about all this is theres more stuff to come home on Monday, including a small swimming pool and 12 concrete blocks!!

Tonight I shall be heading down to the hall to see if theres anything I can do for the musical yet. There should be some backstage stuff to do so that should give me something to do for a few hours 2 or 3 times a week. This should also keep the summer moving somewhat till then end of June which is also a good thing!

I like helping with the musical. This is the third year they have had a summer musical in Rathnure and I have been involved in all of them in some way. I help out with backstage in the musical and am usually asked to make stuff for the launch nights. Hopefully I'll get asked to do something again this year, and hopefully I get more than two days notice aswel!!

Stuff I made for the launch night of  Torn Dreams two years ago! Actually can't believe it was that long ago, I hadn't even begun my course in Wexford at that stage!
I'm also rather fond of Pantomime, and its the reason I went to college so close to home. That and I don't think I was quite ready to live elsewhere. I wouldn't mind moving into Wexford next year though however to do so I'd have to sacrifice being involved in Panto for a year.

It is somewhat trivial next year though, as I believe the third year exhibition is traditionally in the first half of the academic year which would also clash with Panto. After my experiences with my project this year I'm not quite sure it would be possible to be involved in Pantomime and successfully pull of an exhibition piece at the same time. The Panto is beginning to have alot of unpracticalities the more I think about it however I do enjoy being involved an awful lot too.

Ranting aside I should probably go get ready to go down to the hall for the musical! Hopefully there isn't too many little shits involved in it this year =D

Once again cookies shall be given for anyone reads through all that! Although I didn't get as carried away as last time to be fair ^_^




    1. OMG PIRATES!!! that deserves a treasure chest of cookies D=
