Wednesday, 16 January 2013

A Small Redesign

I have been thinking and I think it's time human beings had a bit of an overhaul as I find our current design is rather unpractical. Now I'm not quite sure what way we should be redesigned but I shall begin by listing out some of our design flaws and perhaps the solutions shall then follow!

Firstly I find it to be a rather large inconvenience that we require sleep in order to function. I'm not sure where our batteries are but I'm pretty sure a standard USB charger would be a far more reasonable way for us to recharge ourselves.

I can only speak for myself but with the exception of car journeys I am pretty much near a power source all day, 7 days a week. Whereas I am only ever near a bed for a few hours at night, with the exception of weekends which I spend sitting on my bed in my room (to make up for not being near one for the rest of the week!). Clearly from this small example the ability to recharge via electricity is far superior to the ability to recharge via sleep.

It is also possible to work and perform tasks while plugged in to the electricity. I have ran various tests with a charger attached to my shoe to prove this theory. Compare this to sleep and yet again we can see who is the clear winner. On many occasions I have drifted off to sleep while doing work only to wake up later and discover the work is, to my surprise, still unfinished! Now I don't know about you, but this has inconvenienced me on many an occasion.

Now I'll admit this solution isn't foolproof. In the event of prolonged power shortages humanity would run out of charge and death would occur and it is generally best to avoid such an occurrence. That's why I propose we take this new method and combine it with the old one, sleep become a secondary backup charging method!

That's actually all I can think of for now, my need for sleep is kicking in and I shall have to go get ready to recharge myself. If we ran on electricity I could keep typing this blog, the benefits just keep on piling up!!  When I wake up I shall be sending a copy of my CV to God to see if I can get a job in human engineering!

No cookies for reading this post but there is a few leftover horse-burgers I can give out to anyone who manges to read this! ^_^
Nighty Night Bloggers!!


  1. I very much agree with you. Sleep us highly impracticable really, and to be honest, what goes on in one's head during sleep is getting all the more strange. For example, last night I dreamed that I had a glass eye. A green glass eye. My eyes are blue. It was actually slightly painful and for some reason I had to eat the glass eye to insert it into the eye socket. I'm sure there is a deep meaningful meaning to that but I can't bring myself to find it...
